paying school fees

Felix is a guard and only has a small salary. Nevertheless ,he sends his two sons to school and pays about 5 € per month for each of his kids. Thus, his salary is hardly enough, and he sometimes doesn‘t know how to go on, or if he will   have to take one kid out of school. IMEDI pays half the school fees for a school year, so both can continue their education.



Felix, seine zwei Buben und die Vorstandschaft von IMEDI

Imedi also pays the schoolfees for a child whom Ina personally knows. The mother and father work 2 jobs but can't afford the schoolfees which are around 200 000 Ariary ( ca. 50 €) 



Tracy, an American who has been living in Madagascar for years, helps IMEDI choose the kids who need financial support to pay school- or enrollment fees.. Tracy and her husband have a church for very poor people.  In Madagascar no education is for free, even state schools cost money and students also have to buy material (books, pencils, rulers,... often huge lists). This is for the average family a big burden, often impossible, since they often have less than 1€/day and fees are around 10-15€/child. Thanx to IMEDIs generosity Tracy and her husband can help finance 30 kids - which is a huge present for these family. Many children in Madagascar can't go to school, because they can neither pay the fees, nor buy the material. "IMEDI is a huge blessing, because it opens the schoolgates to these kids," so Tracy.


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