Sponsored run at Tenerife  school

The chairwoman Ina presents IMEDI to school kids on Tenerife
The chairwoman Ina presents IMEDI to school kids on Tenerife

Imedi Bruchsal’s aim ist to help poor children – especially in Madagascar and India – directly, individually and as  quick as possible. This idea resulted – amongst other things - in a project, which provides fruit for poor kids at a Malagassy school, so that they can learn without being disturbed by their hunger, for as we say „a hungry stomach can’t study“. We could provide one fruit portion a week for every school kid. Although the kids were very grateful for this one fruit portion, we wanted to do more, because for us the support was not enough. So our chairwoman, Ina Henninger, who works and lives on Tenerife, had the idea to spread our idea on the island of Tenerife. She found a school, who was willing to help and when she presented Imedi’s idea and actions to the pupils, they agreed on giving the money they earned in a sponsor run to Imedi – and therewith tot he poor school kids in Madagascar.The Tenerife kids collected more than 700€ for the support of the schoolkids in Madagascar.Ina was overwhelmed and initiated to use the money as a support of our „fruit programme“ and so Imedi could double the fruit portions for the kids – which means they get fruit twice a week.The more people help Imedi the more kids we can help. Thank you!



Fall sale and FLEA MARKET

Many friends and supporters of IMEDI came on Sunday afternoon to "shop", look around or simply enjoy a coffee, tea, sparkling wine, cake and the relaxed atmosphere. Snacks were on donation bases and with the money earned, IMEDI could pay the schoolfees for over 30 malagasy children - THANK YOU! At the same time IMEDI supported SOLTEC by offering and selling some of their goods. The German part of SOLTEC (DMVE Esslingen) is grateful for this help and the chairmen say THANK YOU to all. .



Internationale CITY FESTIVAL in Bruchsal

During the "international festival" in Bruchsal the city showed its cultural diversity. IMEDI met the public for the first time and was warmly received (the mayor even bought a bag at IMEDI's booth!) 

The day was a real success and we will participate again in two years.
Thank you to everyone who supported us that day! 



A special thanx to the city of Bruchsal which manages this event and allowed IMEDI to be part of it.  Her you can see the proud mayor Mrs Cornelia Petzold-Schick who now owns a IMEDI/Zalika bag. She also wanted to learn more about IMEDI and congratulated us for our activities. 


Advent baZAar for imedi

IMEDI invited friends, benefactors and members to the advent bazaar Just in time for the start of the Christmas season 2018. It wasn't only about selling merchandise and honey but also about talking and getting to know each other. With sparkling wine, coffee, tee, mulled wine, Christmas cookies and cake, the conversations happened effortlessly and at ease.

IMEDI says thanks to everyone who made this day special.